Time Management Tools

We all wish that successful time management were merely a matter of finding the perfect tool. Alas, it isn’t so. Tools are essential, but expecting perfection is often the thing that creates the biggest obstacle. Instead of spending energy on finding the perfect time management tool, I recommend focusing on using any tool. Five essential … Read more

How to Spend Your Extra Time During the Holidays

Lots of advice is offered about how to manage the busy holidays, but many of us have the opposite problem—we are not that busy! Schools and workplaces are closed; volunteer committees, networking events and extra-curricular activities are on pause for December. Even our favorite TV shows are gone, replaced with re-runs and bad holiday specials. All … Read more

What does Mindfulness have to do with Productivity?

I just got back from the annual CHADD conference, where the therapeutic benefits of mindfulness and/or meditation was a huge topic. Mindfulness is helpful not just for reducing unwanted aspects of ADHD, but for improving mental and physical health in all sorts of ways. If you’re skeptical, check out these websites from Harvard, the American Psychological Association and UC … Read more

Beating Boredom

I think we need to pay more attention to boredom. Most of us don’t think much about it. It seems like an innocuous state of mind that isn’t necessarily pleasant, but isn’t harmful, either. I came to a greater appreciation of the power of boredom while listening to a podcast from procrastination researcher, Dr. Timothy … Read more

Sometimes, You Just Have to Show Up

A self-employed entrepreneur recently hired me for time management coaching. He juggles multiple projects and was specifically asking for help in breaking things down into smaller pieces, setting mini-deadlines, and “backwards planning” in an effort to avoid the last-minute panic. After a bit of discussion, it became evident that he actually works very productively and … Read more