Follow the Path of Least Resistance

meandering-riverClients always ask me where to start decluttering. My advice? Follow the path of least resistance. Do whatever feels easiest, as long as you are moving forward in some way.

So if you’re wondering what following the path of least resistance looks like, here are some examples:

  • Start with the items that have the least sentimental value, or whatever you think will be easiest.
  • If you are spending more than a few seconds to think about something, just move on. You can come back to it later. (Yes, it’s okay to do that.)
  • Throw away or recycle obvious trash.
  • Identify items that will be easy to donate, and do it.
  • Put away items that already have a home. These items aren’t clutter, they’re just misplaced.
  • Sort like with like. Group similar items together by category.

If you only do the above, you will make considerable progress with very few decisions. Even if you have already done all of the above, do it again. Just keep following the path of least resistance.

Don’t worry if you have no idea how you are going to finish. When you follow the path of least resistance, three things happen:

  1. You create channels for the ideas to flow. Things get easier as you clear space and give yourself room to think.
  2. You will have a better overview of your situation and your stuff. Decision-making gets easier when you have more information.
  3. You practice and hone your decluttering skills. You get better at the whole process.

Following the path of least resistance. You may be surprised where you end up!