Look Beyond “Shunning” Yourself to Get Things Done

What kind of shunning am I talking about? motivashun inspirashun activashun perspirashun determinashun Okay, I’ll stop the bad puns. But what am I talking about? Motivation is the reason we want to do something. We want the benefits that come with completing a task or project and quite often, we are willing to tolerate some unpleasantness to achieve … Read more

Is This the Best Use of My Time?

It’s ironic how many hours are lost in the quest to maximize our time. Clients often tell me they don’t get anything done because they are paralyzed, wondering, “Is this the best use of my time?” They have an inclination of something they could be doing, but they question whether they “should” be doing something better. Consider the following dilemma: In the … Read more

Think Twice about the Two Minute Rule

David Allen is a well-known productivity mastermind with a well-known rule: If you can do something in two minutes, do it now. (I’m paraphrasing. You can hear him describe it , here.) In theory, I’m totally behind the concept of getting small things out of the way. But I’ve seen a lot of people get into … Read more

A New Response to Time Management

Most of us have heard the saying, “You can’t change others. You can only change your response.” I’d like to apply that concept to time management. All of us have the same amount of time, so the only thing we can really “manage” is our response to the challenges and opportunities presented to us. How has your response … Read more

It’s About Time

In my last post, I discussed decision making styles, which are inherent parts of our personality and can impact our productivity. Now here’s another trait to consider: time perspective. I’ve summarized briefly, below, but for more information, check out this scholarly article, or the two-minute summary. Five Time Perspectives Researchers have identified five distinct perspectives: Past-negative: Focus … Read more