Here Comes the Nudge

You head into the spare bedroom that has become a dumping ground, full of good intentions to clear it all out and reclaim your space. But as you pick up each item, something happens on the way to the donation box. A little voice says, “Maybe I need to keep this.” Soon you walk out, discouraged that you didn’t get rid of anything more than a few books you never liked. You’re wondering how everyone else does it and wish there were some clear guidelines you could follow so that you could get rid of things and not waver.

Making those decisions when you’re alone can be daunting. I know some of you really, truly are ready to let things go, but you just need a tiny nudge from someone who will grant you absolution. On her blog,, interior designer Wrenda Goodwyn has a great list of things she recommends you say goodbye to, and she was kind enough to let me repost it. From Wrenda:

  • Things that are broken. Appliances, old computers. Let’s be honest. You are unlikely to fix them.
  • Anything that makes you feel guilty. Like that baking, blending, pasta-making contraption that you thought would change your life. Or clothes in your closet that you will never (be able) to wear again. Or organization systems that you have never used. Say goodbye and make them go away.
  • Furniture or accessories that bring up bad memories. Aunt Sadie’s antique lamp that you disliked as a child and now it is yours.  It may be someone’s happy memory but it’s not yours.
  • Items that no longer fit into your life. Old exercise equipment. Large pieces of furniture that worked in your larger home but not since you downsized.  Make them go away and open up some space.
  • Collections that have taken over your home. Put a few of your treasures on a pretty tray or shelf and don’t let them become clutter.
  • Old decor. At one time you may have loved your artwork or your antiques. But times change and you may be ready for something different.  Find a consignment store and try a fresh, new look. Don’t be afraid. And don’t hang on to pieces that you don’t love.
  • Multiples of anything. How many sets of dishes, cookware, storage containers, potato mashers do you really need?
  • Anything poisonous or dangerous. Old cans of cleaning solutions, spray bottles…especially if you don’t remember what they are. Toss and don’t look back. [Caroline here, stepping into Wrenda’s list to ask you to please check with your local waste management company and dispose of hazardous chemicals responsibly.]
  • Items that you are saving because maybe “someday” you will use them.  Shopping bags, gift boxes, wrapping paper, ribbons, gifts that you can’t use.  It will never happen. And if it does, you can buy something  new.  Don’t let your home become a storage unit for “maybe somedays.”

I can attest that I’ve never seen a client who seriously regretted letting go of anything Wrenda mentions. The only thing they regret is not having done it sooner. Do you have anything to add to Wrenda’s list?